Poziv da učestvujem u kampanji No Child Born To Die (koju organizuje Save the Children) mi je uputila Nataša sa bloga Leptir.
Organizacija Save the Children se zalaže da sva deca sveta dobiju vakcine.
Evo o čemu se konkretno radi:
Što možete učiniti? What can you do?
3. Napišite post o ovoj kampanji i uključite link s peticijom.
Bitno je da što više ljudi potpiše peticiju do nedelje, 29. maja 2011.
Write a blog post about it, including info about Save the Children and the petition.
We want as many people linked up and signed up the petition by Sunday 29th May 2011
4. Uključite u ovu kampanju 8 blogera.
Tag 8 fellow blogger friends.
Organizacija Save the Children se zalaže da sva deca sveta dobiju vakcine.
Evo o čemu se konkretno radi:
"On 13 June, you can save 4 million lives in 4 hours if you fully fund vaccines for the world’s poorest children.
Today one in five children worldwide receives no vaccines at all – they are the poorest,
most marginalised children most at risk of killer illnesses such as pneumonia, diarrhoea and measles.
In this day and age no child should die from a disease that could be prevented by immunisation.
Vaccines save lives. This is the opportunity. Please take it."
Što možete učiniti? What can you do?
1. Potpišite PETICIJU i obavestite prijatelje o peticiji.
Sign the PETITION and pass it onto your friends.
Sign the PETITION and pass it onto your friends.
2. Zamolite dete/decu da nacrtaju sebe - sada ili u budućnosti.
Ask you child/children to draw a picture of themselves either now or in the future.
Ask you child/children to draw a picture of themselves either now or in the future.
3. Napišite post o ovoj kampanji i uključite link s peticijom.
Bitno je da što više ljudi potpiše peticiju do nedelje, 29. maja 2011.
Write a blog post about it, including info about Save the Children and the petition.
We want as many people linked up and signed up the petition by Sunday 29th May 2011
4. Uključite u ovu kampanju 8 blogera.
Tag 8 fellow blogger friends.
Rado smo se odazvali učešću: ja sam potpisala peticiju a Lili je nacrtala svoj "budući autoportret".
Pitala sam je šta želi da bude kad poraste i rekla joj da to treba da nacrta.
Rekla je: Biću čika pilot i imaću brkove :-)
To je i nacrtala:
![]() |
Lili (almost 4 years old girl): I will be a pilot |
3 коментара:
That is a beautiful drawing! Love the ambition of becoming a pilot (including moustache!!!!) Brilliant!
Thank you for supporting this very important cause :-)
brkati pilot <3
Thanks, I'm glad to participate :-)
Vec na narednom crtezu moj brkati pilot je posta(la)o doktorka sa stetoskopom :-)
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